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Where the Black Cannamama’s at!?

I’Sha Schultz-Spradlin
Bio: Writer. Host of Eyesha, Please podcast. Cannamom. Cannapreneur

When it comes to pregnancy and motherhood, everyone has opinions. Don’t eat this and don’t do that but like the famous saying goes, mother knows best. Add cannabis to the mix and not only do you have critics you have a full blown mob out to get you. I get it I guess, cannabis is still registered as a Schedule 1 drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act, although
legal in many states recreationally and medically. Whereas, alcohol is legal in all 50 states and is celebrated by “mom culture” and even given quirky nicknames. So, what’s the difference? Why is one substance allowed in moderation despite having the highest mortality rate? I’m not sure but I don’t like it nor does it make ANY sense. Why are the few spaces sacred enough to discuss cannabis during pregnancy filled with mostly white faces? And most importantly, “where the Black Cannamama’s at?!”

Being pregnant sucks, like real bad. You’re constantly nauseous and throwing up, your body aches in ways you never thought imaginable and you are ZAPPED of energy. There are also very few things you can take to get relief while pregnant and very few things that even work…except cannabis. Cannabis is praised for its medicinal benefits with nausea when it comes to cancer patients but shamed when it comes to pregnancy. There are studies and research done on the negative effects of cannabis while pregnant but rarely any that cover the benefits. “It’s the smoke, smoke is bad for the baby”, says folks who’ve never heard of vaping apparently. Then those same folks turn around and sip the wine they have in their Starbucks reusable at the playground, go figure. The list of things we know about cannabis and the one of the things we don’t are the same size. This is because of the lack of funding available federally and privately to fund the research. We have documented studies and syndromes that come from alcohol use while pregnant and decades worth of evidence though. Also ask anyone who’s had “slush” parents how their experience with their parents drinking during their childhood is and you’d owe them an emergency therapy session. Yet it’s very socially acceptable to have a glass of wine after you put the kids down but spark up a joint and folks are sparking up their tiki torches, make it make sense. So how does one find information from unbiased resources? From the folks who use cannabis DIRECTLY, the Cannamoms.

With very little non-biased research and very few non-judgemental medical professionals to talk to about these concerns, the Cannamama community turn to one another. Folks have their opinions on influencers, myself included, but when in search of community and information they are an invaluable resource. My long-term love affair with cannabis started far before it was halfway legal, definitely before I was a mother and at what some would say a very tender age. I blame life as a young Black girl in the Poconos, but I digress. When I first saw the 2 little lines on the pregnancy test I said “yay”, then I was like “wait, I have to stop SMOKING?!” Like I said, a long-term love affair. I did the first thing most Millenials do, I took to Instagram and Facebook for Cannamom communities and suggestions. I was honestly OVERWHELMED with the numerous Facebook groups and Instagram accounts but quickly realized very few, if any, had women like me in them.

Now, as a Black girl who’s had to make her way socially in the Pocono’s I’m not a stranger to snuggling up with white women. I mean, I am literally in a Panhellenic sorority. However, when it comes to how Black and white women are treated by the law, I can’t relate in any way to them. As my Mom would say, “You can’t do what they do.”, and she’s right. Black mothers are more likely to be drug tested at birth than their white counterparts. I didn’t want to put myself at risk of losing my baby or harming them. So, I went digging around and found Black and Latinx women sharing their experiences and testimonials of how it’s helped them so much postpartum and SUPPORT. These women weren’t telling you that you needed to spark one to be a better and happier mom, they were just sharing how it’s helped them so I didn’t feel alone. I think sometimes it’s missed on folks on how important it is to be seen, especially if you’re a demographic that is constantly dismissed and ridiculed for any and everything. That’s when I decided I’d do the same, I’ll share my experience on my podcast, Patreon and Instagram. Just to let other Black mama’s know they weren’t alone and to provide them with a real life example of my experience with it. It’s scary being that vulnerable when the cost is so high, but cannabis is more than a way to wind down, it’s medicine. It’s been used by Indigenous, Caribbean and Black folks for centuries for medicinal, recreational and spiritual purposes. Just because John and Jane decided to capitalize off it doesn’t change its roots.

I’m not telling you to spark one up and fuck the consequences. I’m also not saying I’m a scientist or some expert of cannabis and pregnancy. I’m just suggesting you find out for yourself, ask other mom’s who use cannabis around you, do your research and come to your own conclusion. I AM telling you to not feel ashamed though and don’t shame other mama’s. So if the Cannamama life peaks your interest or you’re looking for resources to help guide your own cannamama journey, feel free to follow any of these accounts: Instagram: @bluntblowinmama @kiaratheleader @ariellcassie @thehighmommylife @askdoctorlyn @thecannabiscutie @thekushnurse @cannabisandparenthood @cannabombz @mommyisgettinghigh @eyeshapleasepod